Booty Call


Booty Call accesses the contacts in your phone to make moving data over easier, and allows you to add in private photos if you desire. This is a private contact book that is apart from the phone contact app. This will keep other users from finding your private intimate contacts.


Booty Call came to us struggling to gain a user base, and create a revenue stream. After the update from Orange Web Group, Booty Call received about 2,745% more installs per month than before. This means they now have a much larger user base to market and up-sell to.

If we compare 2 same months we can really see the increase:
Nov 2014: 22 downloads
Nov 2015: 604 downloads


After our update went live, Booty Call had a user increase of 197% in a 7 month period!

Version 1.0 4 year period: 2201 downloads
Version 2.0 7 month period: 4340 downloads

Booty Call Slide03
Booty Call Slide01
Booty Call Slide04


All data is locally stored on the device by utilizing SQLite

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